
Redeems the user's Ethereum asset from the Onyx Protocol.

  • asset (string) A string of the asset to redeem, or its oToken name.

  • amount (number | string | BigNumber) A string, number, or BigNumber object of the amount of an asset to redeem. Use the mantissa boolean in the options parameter to indicate if this value is scaled up (so there are no decimals) or in its natural scale. This can be an amount of oTokens or underlying asset (use the asset parameter to specify).

  • [options] (CallOptions) Call options and Ethers.js overrides for the transaction.

  • RETURN (object) Returns an Ethers.js transaction object of the redeem transaction.

const onyx = new Onyx(window.ethereum);

(async function() {

  console.log('Redeeming ETH...');
  const trx = await onyx.redeem(Onyx.ETH, 1); // also accepts oToken args
  console.log('Ethers.js transaction object', trx);


Last updated